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External Password Store for Oracle Databases
published onSometimes we have the need to arrange a set of instructions or scripts on automated processes, E.g when we automate a backup process, or when we prepare a batch process to load data in a database or even practical maintenance processes, like purging an audit table.
In the case of Oracle scripts, it's very common to use an externally authenticated user, this is, a user which is authenticated using an external identity, like the OS or a Kerberos service or an LDAP, however, besides the OS authentication, those are complex setups that includes more licensing costs and infrastructure.
If we're not running those process on the database box, a common practice is to use a designed user for those processes, however, those credentials are usually enclosed on the job managers or parent scripts, even worse, the execution line for those scripts are recorded on log entries (which they might also include the user credentials)
Oracle has a feature implemented on the OCI client named Secure External Password Store, it allows us to store credentials on an encrypted wallet and those can be accessed only by the client itself during the login operation.
Basic Syntax
We can create a new EPS wallet by using the "mkstore" command
mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -create
Create Entry
Once created, we can manage its entries using the same command with the -createCredential parameter, just like this
mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -createCredential <db_connect_string> <username> <password>
This way, each credential will be recorded using the connection string as its identifier, we'll be using this identifier for maintaining the credential information and for connecting into the database
Modify Entry
In order to modify an existing record, we can use the ´-modifyCredential´ command
mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -createCredential <db_connect_string> <new_username> <new_password>
SQLNet Profile setup
After creating and setting up our wallet, we need to setup our sqlnet.ora file with the following entries
(DIRECTORY = /path/to/eps)
Once everything is set, we can use the following connection string /@<db_connect_string>
instead of <user>/<password>@<db_connect_string>
TOAD Always asks for username/password when using an EPS Wallet or external authentication
when we setup an EPS connection using TOAD from Quest we may find that the tool is always asking us for a username and a password, even if we setup the SQLNet profile properly as described above.
It's not intuitive, but if we input ´EXTERNAL´ as username, it will not request us a password and will try to use the external authentication defined on the SQLNet Profile, please note that we need to use the Oracle Client instead of a JDBC connection in order to make it work.
Update Gentoo Linux
published onUpdating Gentoo is an easy process but it requires manual intervention, as with this distribution, it's very important to not skip any error and always inform yourself about what's going to be updated
Update dependency tree
Retrieve and compile all packages including their dependencies
emerge -avuDN --with-bdeps y --keep-going @world
Please note that we're using the --keep-going
flag, in case any package won't be merged at first, we need to make a note of it and try again after all other dependencies got merged, in some cases the dependency link got broken or some packages needs to be updated beforehand, playing with the USE flags can also raise a lot of errors, mostly because some libraries were compiled with different profiles, will depend on each case what we should do in order to fix it.
Update configuration files
Never forget to check which configuration options are being updated
Delete obsolete packages
emerge -av --depclean
Cleanup using gentoolkit
eclean -d distfiles
Masked packages
Some new package version are being masked, either because more testing is needed or because it hasn't been patched for a specific architecture or configuration set, the most common mask is ~amd64
, if we want to go and install it we can add it on our packages.accept_keyword path in portage
tux ~ # cat /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/libudev-compat
sys-libs/libudev-compat ~amd64
Above package is a requirement for the steam-launcher
package (non-official), just like all unofficial packages, they're not deeply tested and it usually implies the usage of masked packages, we should also consider the choice of masking the conflictive package, in case you're not aware, the steam launcher updates itself periodically, so we can skip it for now, in order to do so we need to mask it:
tux ~ # cat /etc/portage/package.mask/steam-launcher
The next time we try to merge @world it will warns us for our current mask
!!! The following installed packages are masked:
- games-util/steam-launcher- (masked by: package.mask)
For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
That's because our package is registered in @world
, but since we've also masked it, it can't be merged.
At a glance it's a good idea to avoid the usage of masked packages as much as possible.
Batch processing in Oracle using a single PL/SQL Anonymous Block
published onAs an Oracle consultant a very common activity is to perform commands in batch, for example: rebuild invalid indexes on a given schema, unlock all locked users on the database, recompile invalid stored procedures, etc.
One of the most common techniques I learnt and seen on field is to dynamically build the commands needed to be executed, put them on a script and after that execute it, for example, on a SQL Developer window or directly on SQL*Plus, while this approach works fine, it can't be easily automated, this is relevant specially when we have to automate this batch processing, like when we have to disable all indexes from a staging schema before loading data.
My personal favorite option for doing batch processing is to use dynamic sql execution inside a looped cursor, a technique I found on an old Oracle forum. below you may find an example of how to rebuild indexes from a specific schema
c_schema_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SCOTT';
FOR c_r IN ( SELECT owner, index_name
FROM dba_indexes
WHERE status != 'VALID'
AND owner = c_schema_name
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER INDEX "' || c_r.owner || '"."' || c_r.index_name || '" REBUILD';
Above script can be enhanced by using parallel processing with APEX_PLSQL_JOB.SUBMIT_PROCESS, of course if the APEX subsystem is not installed on the database, the same feature can be implemented using DBMS_SCHEDULER or DBMS_JOB, however the later is deprecated and might be removed on future Oracle releases.
Generate a sequence of numbers using a SQL query
published onSometimes we need to generate a sequence of numbers, maybe for cartesian products, or we want to work directly with number series using SQL expressions, for those cases I present a simple option using query recursiveness
Using CONNECT BY operator
select level
from dual
connect by level <= 10;
Using Query Recursive Subfactoring
with c_numbers (lvl) as
( select 1 as lvl
from dual
union all
select lvl + 1
from c_numbers
where lvl < 10
select lvl
from c_numbers
order by lvl;
MySQL / MariaDB
(borrowed directly from the MySQL manual)
SELECT n + 1 FROM cte WHERE n < 5
Hello World!
published onBe welcome to this site! I am Nicko, The Drako PaxPax and I'll be your host during your stay here. mostly you'll find information about the projects I've been working for, and some handy stuff I've learnt across time.
And last but not least, I'll be using this space here as a personal journal were I'll be sharing some thoughts and experiences I had, I really hope you find this place handy and entertaining as well.